Five founding families banded together to attain a safe haven from religious groups and persecution due to being supernatural. Stumbling upon an Island they named it Neaera Island and there created a safe haven for all deemed 'different' by society. Through uprisings and war supernaturals soon found balance and the solace they deserved. The city of Syros rose into a bustling hub where supernaturals have flocked to live among their brethren. But the discovery of a portal to another realm soon had the five founding families fighting to protect it from exposure. But even as the families fight to keep the secret hidden there are those that wish to expose it. Those that seek it never return giving the Island a daunting and haunting appeal. On the Island of Neaera nothing is quite as it seems......
18+ ONLY site No word count, No character limitations, Any creature creation within reason, and a section in time jump that doesn't require approval on the character app.